Life Science >
Grades K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 >
Breaking Brain Barriers
Breaking Brain Barriers
Breaking Brain Barriers
Order #: ELE901040i
ISBN13: 978-0-22830-122-6
Grades: K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Reading Level: K-6
Total Page: 128
Author: Dr. Linda Karges-Bone
The activities in this book provide numerous ways to introduce sensory and gender-based teaching methods into your classroom. Experience “minds-on” learning with fresh and fascinating tips and techniques for using color, scent, taste, sound, and touch to stimulate the minds of your students. The suggested practical classroom applications utilize the differences between the ways boys and girls acquire and apply knowledge. Begin “doing brain surgery from the inside out” by Breaking Brain Barriers!