Character Education > Grades 5, 6, 7, 8 > Cognitive Thinking Activities Set 6

Cognitive Thinking Activities Set 6

Cognitive Thinking Activities Set 6

  • Cognitive Thinking Activities Set 6
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Order #: ELE90106506 ISBN13: 978-0-22830-162-2 Grades: 5, 6, 7, 8 Reading Level: 5-8 Total Page: 15 Author: Kelley Dos Santos Kremer
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Research supports the premise that students learn most quickly when they are provided instruction that requires a variety of creative and critical thinking skills, study techniques, and metacognitive strategies. Each quick, little- or no-prep activity in this packet utilizes these skills and strategies. Students will consider other perspectives, predict the outcomes of role-playing scenarios, and create pictures from squiggles. The critical thinking games and activities can be used as individual assignments or as class tasks, or they can be used as competitions between groups to reinforce skills or concepts.

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