Novel Study Guides > Grades 2, 3, 4 > JULIUS, BABY OF THE WORLD - STUDY GUIDE


Grades 2 to 4 - eBook - Lesson Plan

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Order #: KGR112 ISBN13: 978-1-77167-543-7 Grades: 2, 3, 4 Reading Level: 2-4 Total Page: 30 Author: Nathan Winnick and Sheila Winnick
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  • This is exactly what I was looking for. I really like the character study page. Thanks for sharing.

    R. Mcbride



Introduce your students to the work of author Kevin Henkes with this delightful story of a young girl named Lilly, who must adapt when her new baby brother Julius arrives. Lilly's jealousy of her new baby brother is very difficult to overcome until Cousin Garland scoffs at Julius. Lilly comes to her brother's defence and realizes she loves him, and that he is the baby of the world. Have your students keep a reflection journal for "Julius, Baby of the World". Activities included in this unit are: synonyms, word study, syllables, comprehension, character study, reflections, descriptive writing, expository writing, narrative writing, and procedural writing.

Product Reviews

R. Mcbride

This is exactly what I was looking for. I really like the character study page. Thanks for sharing.

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