• Brain Framing
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Order #: ELE901067i ISBN13: 978-0-22830-165-3 Grades: PK, K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Reading Level: All Ages Total Page: 152 Author: Dr. Linda Karges-Bone
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Brain Framing is a book of ideas for “thinking about thinking” in the classroom, ideas to help us frame the brains of students in ways that are productive, powerful, and personal. This book will help teachers to engage brains in three fresh ways: framing student learning into more personalized experiences that utilize new research on the brain, the body, and the spirit; creating brain-friendly classroom environments that link sensory and cognitive experiences in ways that reduce stress for both the teacher and the student; and organizing content into meaningful “chunks and layers” that fit into the unique frames of students’ brains.
Filled with a variety of new teaching strategies, curriculum-enhancing ideas, lesson-planning samples and reproducible templates based on current scientific research, Brain Framing is the perfect resource for any teacher who wants to begin “planning with the brain in mind.”

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