Reading Skills > Grades 5, 6 > Reading Well - Grades 5-6

Reading Well - Grades 5-6

Reading Well - Grades 5-6

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Order #: EMP3463i ISBN13: 978-1-77344-552-6 Grades: 5, 6 Reading Level: 5-6 Total Page: 44 Author: Cindy Barden
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Milliken's Reading Well! series provides teachers and parents with a wide variety of activities to use at home or in the classroom to enhance your reading program. Reading materials and styles of writing include realistic fiction, biography, poetry, fantasy, informational articles, myths, legends, tall tales, and plays or skits. The comprehension activities have been selected to provide opportunities for students to practice a variety of reading skills. A list of comprehension skills for all grade levels is included on the Reading Comprehension Chart on page 1. A variety of assessment rubrics helps you track progress in achieving those skills. Each book in the series is sequential, allowing students to build on skills previous learned. The various levels available allows you to select the one most appropriate for an individual student or class.

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