Primary > Grades K, 1, 2 > Red Rover, the Big Rainbow Eating Dog

Red Rover, the Big Rainbow Eating Dog

Grades K to 2 - eBook - Lesson Plan

  • Red Rover, the Big Rainbow Eating Dog Gr. K-2 - eBook
  • Red Rover, the Big Rainbow Eating Dog Gr. K-2 - eBook
  • Red Rover, the Big Rainbow Eating Dog Gr. K-2 - eBook
  • Red Rover, the Big Rainbow Eating Dog Gr. K-2 - eBook
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Order #: RHPZ51 ISBN13: 978-1-55319-159-9 Grades: K, 1, 2 Reading Level: K-2 Total Page: 48 Author: Vera Trembach
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Red Rover's see-through tummy reveals what he eats. Students complete the story with their cut-out drawings of rainbow fruits and vegetables. Interactive chants, hands-on centered listening activities and family homework make up the bulk of our lesson plan. Also included are: an interactive storyboard story, colour activities and rebus chants. Stories and activities included are: Red Rover Eats a Rainbow, An Artist's Palette, Colour Trees and Leaves, Crayons in a Box, Butterfly Wings, Yummy Ice-Cream Cones, Rainbow Rhyme, Colour Chants, and Rainbow Sandpaper Prints. This Primary Studies lesson provides a teacher and student section with storyboard, hands-on activities, interactive chant, rebus chants, and art activity to create a well-rounded lesson plan.

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