Art > Grades 3, 4 > Step-by-Step - Grades 3-4

Step-by-Step - Grades 3-4

Step-by-Step - Grades 3-4

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Order #: ETLC10551i ISBN13: 978-1-77344-641-7 Grades: 3, 4 Reading Level: 3-4 Total Page: 48 Author: Nadine Rogers
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Every class includes students who lag behind the rest of the class or race ahead of everyone when working on activities. This book provides creative solutions to that problem. The teacher provides each student with drawing paper, a pencil, crayons and a copy of the activity sheet. Then the student reads and follows the directions, step-by-step, or listens to the teacher read them aloud. The activities encourage students to follow directions, enhance their creativity and increase their motivation in fun-filled, productive ways.

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