Sports & Health >
Grades 4, 5, 6 >
Winter Olympic Games
Winter Olympic Games
Grades 4 to 6 - eBook - Lesson Plan
Order #: RHPA191
ISBN13: 978-1-55319-193-3
Grades: 4, 5, 6
Reading Level: 4-6
Total Page: 79
Author: Natalie Regier
Olympic fever is here! Sports investigated are: Alpine Skiing, Biathlon, Curling, Figure Skating, Hockey, Luge, Bobsled, Nordic Combined, Snowboarding, and Speed Skating. Students study information in newspaper-style articles with web links. Optional lessons include: Research an Olympic Sport, Travel Brochure, Winter Olympics Trivia Game, Debate, Athlete Diary, Video, What Am I Riddles, Word Search Puzzle, Crossword Puzzle and Sample Exam. The unit culminates with two major projects titled “Winter Olympic Games Research Scavenger Hunt” and “School Winter Olympics”. This Sports lesson provides a teacher and student section with a variety of reading passages, activities, crossword, word search and answer key to create a well-rounded lesson plan.
Olympic fever is here! Sports investigated are: Alpine Skiing, Biathlon, Curling, Figure Skating, Hockey, Luge, Bobsled, Nordic Combined, Snowboarding, and Speed Skating. Students study information in newspaper-style articles with web links. Optional lessons include: Research an Olympic Sport, Travel Brochure, Winter Olympics Trivia Game, Debate, Athlete Diary, Video, What Am I Riddles, Word Search Puzzle, Crossword Puzzle and Sample Exam. The unit culminates with two major projects titled “Winter Olympic Games Research Scavenger Hunt” and “School Winter Olympics”. This Sports lesson provides a teacher and student section with a variety of reading passages, activities, crossword, word search and answer key to create a well-rounded lesson plan.
Product Reviews
Nice variety of articles for students to use when they are researching about the different winter olympic sports.