Primary > Grades 1, 2 > Let's Make a Book SET

Let's Make a Book SET

Grades 1 to 2 - Print Book - Lesson Plan

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Order #: SET132 ISBN13: 978-1-77167-603-8 Grades: 1, 2 Reading Level: 1-2 Total Page: 154 Author: Vera Trembach
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Our Let's Make a Book SET combines both titles in one bundle:

Z98 - Let's Make a Book
Z99 - Let's Make a Book For All Seasons

About Let's Make a Book:
Let's Make a Book uses bookmaking patterns and stories to begin authorship. The ultimate goal of a creative writing program is to develop independent authorship. The following bookmaking patterns and story frames may be used as a stepping stone towards working and writing independently. Photocopy the pages onto coloured bond paper for added effect. Construction paper can be used for front and back covers. Set up a Bookmaking Centre, equipped with bookmaking patterns, scissors, glue, construction paper, plain and lined paper and library pockets and cards. Patterns include: My Kitty, Where's Dasher?, I Like the Night, Up in a Rocket, Hats!, My Sheep Book, In My Mitten, My Magic Runners, Cats!, and A Chicken Story.

About Let's Make a Book For All Seasons:
Start your emerging readers and writers with individual shape-books and optional sentence frames to work towards independent authorship. The ultimate goal of a creative writing program is to develop independent authorship. These bookmaking patterns can be used as a stepping stone. The story frames encourage a creative written and illustrated response. Patterns include: Every Body Needs a Home, Haunted House, My Pumpkin, Bunny Bunny Bunny, My Friendship Book, The Story of Tad, Busy as a Bee, and Are You a Butterfly.

This Big Books Set provides a teacher and student section with big book patterns and assembly to create a well-rounded lesson plan.

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