Earth Science > Grades 5, 6, 7, 8 > Middle School Science Bundle

Middle School Science Bundle

Grades 5 to 8 - Print Book - Lesson Plan

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Order #: CC4521 ISBN13: 978-1-77167-935-0 Grades: 5, 6, 7, 8 Reading Level: 3-4 Total Page: 850 Author: A. Wagner, G. Graybill, C. Homer, and S. Lang
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  • This is an excellent resource for homeschoolers - all three of my kids ( age 8, 10, 11) do it together, and I can adapt the writing demands for each child. The experiments are good (your choice to do them....) and the reading selections are just the right size. Love the color page-sized diagrams/posters.

    Mathematical Mama
  • This was way easier to implement than expected.

    Tonya Cockrell
  • This product has been a lifesaver since I've returned to work from maternity leave. Because I am having to teach a different class mid-year, I've been able to create weekly packets for the substitute teacher to teach/go over with the students..

    Michelle Koo
  • Provides a kid-friendly, structured MS Science curriculum that is better than my school’s textbooks and has great ideas for hands-on projects and tie-ins. Easy to add a STEM challenge or lab experiment to different units and call it a day. Thank you! So relieved to have found this.

    Nichole Livesay
  • Great Resource that adds a little extra "help" to my text lessons.

    Kelsey robbins
  • Incredibly helpful for my struggling learners, including my EL population.

    Amanda Oberdick
  • This has a TON of amazing information. My students think it's a bit beneath them but the information is presented in an easy to understand way.

    Jamie McBryde
  • so helpful to follow when given no curriculum.

    Madeline Byers
  • An excellent resource! Thank you!

    Rhona Meads
  • Awesome resources. Really cuts down planning time.

    Dominique Booker


This Middle School Science Bundle for grades 5-8 is your ENTIRE YEAR'S SCIENCE CURRICULUM in one bundle. Filled with HANDS-ON experiments, ENGAGING activities and COMPREHENSION questions that cover your State Standards, Next Generation Science Standards, and STEAM Initiatives. The activities in this bundle can be used for whole-group, small group, or individual work. NO PREP necessary, just print!

This BUNDLE includes 850 pages and will provide you with an ENTIRE YEAR of Science lesson plans. A $224.00 value for only $89.00.


This bundle is ideal for grades 5-8, but with a grade 3-4 reading level.


Included in this BUNDLE are:

CC4515 - Space - BIG BOOK
CC4503 - Ecology & the Environment - BIG BOOK
CC4507 - The Nature of Matter - BIG BOOK
CC4511 - Force, Motion & Simple Machines - BIG BOOK
CC4519 - Human Body - BIG BOOK

Product Reviews

Mathematical Mama

This is an excellent resource for homeschoolers - all three of my kids ( age 8, 10, 11) do it together, and I can adapt the writing demands for each child. The experiments are good (your choice to do them....) and the reading selections are just the right size. Love the color page-sized diagrams/posters.

Tonya Cockrell

This was way easier to implement than expected.

Michelle Koo

This product has been a lifesaver since I've returned to work from maternity leave. Because I am having to teach a different class mid-year, I've been able to create weekly packets for the substitute teacher to teach/go over with the students..

Nichole Livesay

Provides a kid-friendly, structured MS Science curriculum that is better than my school’s textbooks and has great ideas for hands-on projects and tie-ins. Easy to add a STEM challenge or lab experiment to different units and call it a day. Thank you! So relieved to have found this.

Kelsey robbins

Great Resource that adds a little extra "help" to my text lessons.

Amanda Oberdick

Incredibly helpful for my struggling learners, including my EL population.

Jamie McBryde

This has a TON of amazing information. My students think it's a bit beneath them but the information is presented in an easy to understand way.

Madeline Byers

so helpful to follow when given no curriculum.

Rhona Meads

An excellent resource! Thank you!

Dominique Booker

Awesome resources. Really cuts down planning time.

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