Theater & Folktales >
Grades 4, 5, 6 >
Reader's Theatre: Holidays
Reader's Theatre: Holidays
Grades 4 to 6 - Print Book - Lesson Plan
Order #: A227
ISBN13: 978-1-55319-172-8
Grades: 4, 5, 6
Reading Level: 4-6
Total Page: 86
Author: Nat Reed
The holidays celebrated in North America serve as a rich source of literature and oral tradition. Our unit contains ten lesson, each featuring a play about one of our holidays. Included in this resource are suggested teaching strategies, themes, answers, reader's theatre scripts, and follow-up activities including: Comprehension Questions, Fun With Words, Investigations, Creative Writing and Art Activities. This Theatre & Folktales lesson provides a teacher and student section with a variety of scripts, creative writing activities, crossword, word search and answer key to create a well-rounded lesson plan.