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Grades 1, 2 >
Grades 1 to 2 - eBook - Chapter Slice
This FREE chapter slice includes a section from our Arachnids title.
Enjoy 7 FREE worksheets from our Arachnids title. These worksheets can be used on their own, or paired with the individual resources. And the best part is, it's FREE.
About the full resource, Arachnids:
Spin a web that kids will love with our resource package on spiders. Arachnids objectives include: What is a Spider?, Different Kinds, Reproduction, Homes, Food, Enemies, Mythology and Misconceptions. Included: Informational Cards, Spider Task Cards, and Other Resources. Centre-based resource with task cards for independent learning are included. Objectives of this resource includes: Identify body parts and special features of a spider's body; How a spider is different from an insect; Identify several different kinds of spiders; Different homes and their locations; What spiders eat, how they eat, and how they catch their prey; among others. This Animal Science lesson provides a teacher and student section with reading passages, activities and word search to create a well-rounded lesson plan.
This FREE chapter slice includes a section from our Arachnids title.
Enjoy 7 FREE worksheets from our Arachnids title. These worksheets can be used on their own, or paired with the individual resources. And the best part is, it's FREE.
About the full resource, Arachnids:
Spin a web that kids will love with our resource package on spiders. Arachnids objectives include: What is a Spider?, Different Kinds, Reproduction, Homes, Food, Enemies, Mythology and Misconceptions. Included: Informational Cards, Spider Task Cards, and Other Resources. Centre-based resource with task cards for independent learning are included. Objectives of this resource includes: Identify body parts and special features of a spider's body; How a spider is different from an insect; Identify several different kinds of spiders; Different homes and their locations; What spiders eat, how they eat, and how they catch their prey; among others. This Animal Science lesson provides a teacher and student section with reading passages, activities and word search to create a well-rounded lesson plan.