Language Arts > Grades K, 1 > High Frequency Sight Words - BONUS WORKSHEETS

High Frequency Sight Words - BONUS WORKSHEETS

Grades K to 1 - eBook - Bonus Worksheets

  • High Frequency Sight Words Gr. PK-2 - BONUS WORKSHEETS - eBook
  • High Frequency Sight Words Gr. PK-2 - BONUS WORKSHEETS - eBook
  • High Frequency Sight Words Gr. PK-2 - BONUS WORKSHEETS - eBook
  • High Frequency Sight Words Gr. PK-2 - BONUS WORKSHEETS - eBook
Order #: CC1113D Grades: K, 1 Reading Level: K-1 Total Page: 9
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This FREE bonus resource includes extension activity worksheets from our High Frequency Sight Words Gr. K-1 title.

Enjoy 9 BONUS worksheets from High Frequency Sight Words Gr. K-1. These worksheets can be used on their own, or paired with the individual resources as extension activities at the completion of the unit. And the best part is, it's FREE.

About these BONUS Worksheets:

Written to Bloom's Taxonomy, these worksheets are aligned to your State Standards. Each concept features practice worksheets and comprehension activities to ensure your students are engaged and fully understand the concepts.

About the full resource, High Frequency Sight Words Gr. K-1:

Sight words are words that must become automatically recognized by the reader because they are often not pronounced or spelled in regular ways. Our resource will increase sight word recognition, vocabulary and comprehension as students identify 130 Dolch sight words using real-life pictures as an aid. Write the sight word in the boxes that match the shape of the word. Boxes are used to help students come to understand that words can be recognized by the shapes of their letters, as they contain small, tall or hanging letters. Finish the sentence by matching the sight words with their boxes. Make sure that the words not only fit inside the boxes, but also make sense within the sentence. With 100 high-frequency words that make up almost 50% of everything we read as adults, having a bank of high frequency words is essential to building fluent reading skills.

All of our content meets your State Standards and are written to Bloom's Taxonomy.

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