Novel Study Guides > Grades 3, 4, 5, 6 > Reading with Colleen McKenna (Author Study) - CHAPTER SLICE

Reading with Colleen McKenna (Author Study) - CHAPTER SLICE

Grades 3 to 6 - eBook - Chapter Slice

  • Reading with Colleen McKenna (Anthor Study) Gr. 3-6 - CHAPTER SLICE - eBook
  • Reading with Colleen McKenna (Anthor Study) Gr. 3-6 - CHAPTER SLICE - eBook
  • Reading with Colleen McKenna (Anthor Study) Gr. 3-6 - CHAPTER SLICE - eBook
  • Reading with Colleen McKenna (Anthor Study) Gr. 3-6 - CHAPTER SLICE - eBook
Order #: RHPA97_free Grades: 3, 4, 5, 6 Reading Level: 3-6 Total Page: 13
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This FREE chapter slice includes a section from our Reading with Colleen McKenna title.

Enjoy 13 FREE worksheets from our Reading with Colleen McKenna title. These worksheets can be used on their own, or paired with the individual resources. And the best part is, it's FREE.

About the full resource, Reading with Colleen McKenna:

Reading with Colleen McKenna is a series of five exciting and interesting titles that provide a framework for this new approach to reading. Comprehension is the main focus, with multiple choice and questions designed to ensure students understand why they are reading. Titles include: Good Grief... Third Grade, Too Many Murphys, Fourth Grade is a Jinx, Fifth Grade: Here Comes Trouble, and Valentine's Day Can Be Murder. The high interest — low vocabulary format of these novels is perfect for reluctant readers and is sure to keep students motivated to read. For the teacher, flexibility is key, with students being assigned novels to read individually, in small groups or as a class. This Author Study provides a teacher and student section with a variety of activities, chapter questions, story summaries, and answer key to create a well-rounded lesson plan.

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