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Grades 5 to 6 - eBook - Bonus Worksheets
This FREE bonus resource includes extension activity worksheets from our Shiloh Gr. 5-6 Novel Study Guide title.
Enjoy 6 BONUS worksheets from our Shiloh Gr. 5-6 Novel Study Guide. These worksheets can be used on their own, or paired with the individual resources as extension activities at the completion of the unit. And the best part is, it's FREE.
About these BONUS Worksheets:
Written to Bloom's Taxonomy, these worksheets are aligned to your State Standards. Each concept features practice worksheets and comprehension activities to ensure your students are engaged and fully understand the novel.
About the full resource, Shiloh Gr. 5-6:
Readers question the laws and regulations towards animals with this story of a determined boy and his love for an abused dog. Help students with reasoning and literary skills. Delve into Marty's state of mind by recalling different reasons he has for not liking Judd Travers. Answer multiple choice questions to describe how each character feels. Predict what will happen on Friday when Judd goes hunting with his dogs. Students take the themes from the novel and apply them to their real life by taking a look at the treatment of animals in their hometown. Match vocabulary words from the novel to their definitions. Track the lies Marty tells during the course of the novel in a chart.
All of our content meets your State Standards and are written to Bloom's Taxonomy.
This FREE bonus resource includes extension activity worksheets from our Shiloh Gr. 5-6 Novel Study Guide title.
Enjoy 6 BONUS worksheets from our Shiloh Gr. 5-6 Novel Study Guide. These worksheets can be used on their own, or paired with the individual resources as extension activities at the completion of the unit. And the best part is, it's FREE.
About these BONUS Worksheets:
Written to Bloom's Taxonomy, these worksheets are aligned to your State Standards. Each concept features practice worksheets and comprehension activities to ensure your students are engaged and fully understand the novel.
About the full resource, Shiloh Gr. 5-6:
Readers question the laws and regulations towards animals with this story of a determined boy and his love for an abused dog. Help students with reasoning and literary skills. Delve into Marty's state of mind by recalling different reasons he has for not liking Judd Travers. Answer multiple choice questions to describe how each character feels. Predict what will happen on Friday when Judd goes hunting with his dogs. Students take the themes from the novel and apply them to their real life by taking a look at the treatment of animals in their hometown. Match vocabulary words from the novel to their definitions. Track the lies Marty tells during the course of the novel in a chart.
All of our content meets your State Standards and are written to Bloom's Taxonomy.