Math Worksheets > Grades 6, 7, 8 > Algebraic Sudoku Bk 2

Algebraic Sudoku Bk 2

Algebraic Sudoku Bk 2

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Order #: EMP5131i ISBN13: 978-1-77344-591-5 Grades: 6, 7, 8 Reading Level: 6-8 Total Page: 52 Author: Tony G Williams
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Algebraic Sudoku follows the traditional algebra curriculum, while challenging students’ minds with fun puzzles that develop logic, reasoning skills, concentration, and confidence. Each Sudoku puzzle is like a mini-lesson, with background, discussion, strategy, and demonstration for solving each problem. After completing the algebra exercises, students are given enough data that will allow them to reason their way through the remaining cells of the Sudoku puzzle that follows. Each activity is presented on a ready-to-use, reproducible master that can be easily photocopied or reproduced as a transparency for full-class instruction and discussion. With more than 30 activities in each book, Algebraic Sudoku is a must-have resource for all students enrolled in or preparing to take algebra, or for anyone who wants to keep their algebraic skills sharp.

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