Character Education > Grades 2, 3, 4 > Beginning Links to Logic - Grades 2-4

Beginning Links to Logic - Grades 2-4

Beginning Links to Logic - Grades 2-4

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Order #: ELE901034i ISBN13: 978-0-22830-110-3 Grades: 2, 3, 4 Reading Level: 2-4 Total Page: 48 Author: Tiffany Rosengarten
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Welcome to the beginner’s world of logic! Logical thinking is a lifelong skill that is developed, practiced, and even enjoyed. The reproducible activities and puzzles in the five sections of this book are designed to teach students to think through problems. Sections include deductive reasoning puzzles, math-based puzzles, language arts puzzles, following directions, and riddles. Students will develop a process of identifying the question, gathering the necessary information, analyzing this information, and finding a solution. A lifetime of logical thinking awaits your students—start them on a positive path with Beginning Links to Logic!

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