History > Grades 7, 8 > Confederation


Grades 7 to 8 - eBook - Lesson Plan

  • Confederation Gr. 7-8 - eBook
  • Confederation Gr. 7-8 - eBook
  • Confederation Gr. 7-8 - eBook
  • Confederation Gr. 7-8 - eBook
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Order #: RHPA155 ISBN13: 978-1-55319-141-4 Grades: 7, 8 Reading Level: 7-8 Total Page: 82 Author: Coreen Dutka
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  • I LOVE this company!!! This resource is AMAZING! It includes everything that I need. My students love the activities, and enjoy leaning about confederation through this product. I highly recommend this resource if you are considering it. :)

  • Excellent resource! Very thorough and engaging!

    Janis Minion
  • Excellent resource!

    Richard Aucoin
  • Awesome!

  • Just what I needed, when I needed it, thanks!

    Tannis Wilhelmus
  • Very helpful resource.

    Kathy Bowtell
  • Thanks for this CANADIAN resource!

    L Grant
  • I was so happy to discover this resource to help me and my students as we try to approach distance learning. Thank you!

    Vikki Ellis
  • Great resource! Very helpful. Thanks




Canadian history is brought to the forefront with our unit on the Confederation of Canada. Students learn about the origins of Canada by understanding the factors leading up to and including the Confederation of Canada. Our resource looks briefly at the historical background of this time and uses several different teaching methods to enable students to gather, interpret, analyze and synthesize information. Students will: understand the key roles of the Fathers of Confederation; recall the dates of important events surrounding the Confederation of Canada and the dates that each province of Canada entered into Confederation; and more. This Canada lesson provides a teacher and student section with a variety of reading passages, activities, crossword, word search, confederation monopoly, and answer key to create a well-rounded lesson plan.

Product Reviews


I LOVE this company!!! This resource is AMAZING! It includes everything that I need. My students love the activities, and enjoy leaning about confederation through this product. I highly recommend this resource if you are considering it. :)

Janis Minion

Excellent resource! Very thorough and engaging!

Richard Aucoin

Excellent resource!



Tannis Wilhelmus

Just what I needed, when I needed it, thanks!

Kathy Bowtell

Very helpful resource.

L Grant

Thanks for this CANADIAN resource!

Vikki Ellis

I was so happy to discover this resource to help me and my students as we try to approach distance learning. Thank you!


Great resource! Very helpful. Thanks

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