Earth Science > Grades 1, 2 > Earth


Grades 1 to 2 - eBook - Lesson Plan

  • Earth Gr. 1-2 - eBook
  • Earth Gr. 1-2 - eBook
  • Earth Gr. 1-2 - eBook
  • Earth Gr. 1-2 - eBook
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Order #: RHPZ32 ISBN13: 978-1-55319-220-6 Grades: 1, 2 Reading Level: 1-2 Total Page: 82 Author: Vera Trembach
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Like the making of mountains, your theme study of Earth could go on for eons. Our resource package provides you with learning centre-based activities, designed to introduce your class to the Earth as a whole, to the Earth's surfaces, to the air we breathe, and to pollution and our responsibility towards cleaning it up. Included in our resource are: Student Objectives/Topics for Discussion, Earth Task Card Instructions, Bulletin Board, Contract Sheet, Earth Task Cards/File Folder Activities, Hands-On Instructions/Patterns, Pocket Chart Ideas, Big Book Instructions, Big Book Patterns, Earth Art, and Teaching Resources. This Earth Science lesson provides a teacher and student section with reading passages, activities and water cycle to create a well-rounded lesson plan.

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