Life Skills > Grades PK, K, 1, 2 > Grocery Store

Grocery Store

Grocery Store

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Order #: ETLC10193i ISBN13: 978-1-77344-897-8 Grades: PK, K, 1, 2 Reading Level: PreK - 2 Total Page: 32 Author: Dana McMillan
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  • This was a godsend for my unit at the grocery store. It had everything I needed. Thank you so much.

    Catherine Kehlenbeck


Make the most out of your grocery store theme! Here is everything you need to set up and implement a complete learning center in your classroom including: checklists to identify what your children already know about the grocery store and what they'd like to learn; props and labels and recommended supplies including aprons, flyers, food containers and more; activities and role play ideas for grocer, shoppers, designing banners, making collages and more; discussion and research topics; ready-made parent communiques; clip art for props, letters, displays, activities and bulletin boards; assessment and evaluation suggestions. No fuss, a few frills, many thrills and lots and lots of learning!

Product Reviews

Catherine Kehlenbeck

This was a godsend for my unit at the grocery store. It had everything I needed. Thank you so much.

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