Earth Science > Grades 3, 4 > Let's Investigate! Hands-On Science - Grades 3-4

Let's Investigate! Hands-On Science - Grades 3-4

Let's Investigate! Hands-On Science - Grades 3-4

  • Let's Investigate! Hands-On Science - Grades 3-4
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Order #: EMP3501i ISBN13: 978-1-77344-269-3 Grades: 3, 4 Reading Level: 3-4 Total Page: 64 Author: Vicky Shiotsu
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Help students explore the wonders of science with the mind-stretching activities in this series. Each book includes a number of special features, with fun, easy-to-prepare activities that cover topics from the three main branches of science: physical science, earth science, and life science. Clear, step-by-step instructions foster independent learning; guided questions help develop observation and critical thinking skills; fascinating facts and extension activities enrich learning. In addition, background information and teaching tips are provided in the Activity Guide at the back of the book to help you maximize students' understanding of scientific concepts.

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