Math Worksheets > Grades 4, 5, 6, 7 > Math Practice Simplified: Decimals & Percents (Book H)

Math Practice Simplified: Decimals & Percents (Book H)

Practicing the Concepts of Decimals and Percentages

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Order #: PC7100 ISBN13: 978-0-88309-044-2 Grades: 4, 5, 6, 7 Reading Level: Total Page: 64 Author: Ann Cassill Sofge, M.A.
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Strong math skills are essential to success in school and life. Math Practice Simplified - Decimals & Percents provides practice in the concepts of decimals, including decimal-fraction and decimal-percent relationships. The eBook begins with the use of decimals in addition and advances gradually through the more difficult processes. Practice is provided in changing fractions to decimal numbers and decimal numbers to fractions, changing decimal numbers to percents and percents to decimal numbers, rounding decimal numbers, and multiplying percents. Basic facts are emphasized in the belief that if these beginning steps are mastered, students will move to higher-level thinking and to more complex exercises. Answers are provided at the back of the book.

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