Primary > Grades K > Storytelling: Nursery Stories & Songs

Storytelling: Nursery Stories & Songs

Grade K - eBook - Lesson Plan

  • Storytelling: Nursery Stories & Songs  Gr. K - eBook
  • Storytelling: Nursery Stories & Songs  Gr. K - eBook
  • Storytelling: Nursery Stories & Songs  Gr. K - eBook
  • Storytelling: Nursery Stories & Songs  Gr. K - eBook
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Order #: RHPZ54 ISBN13: 978-1-55319-131-5 Grades: K Reading Level: K Total Page: 30 Author: Vera Trembach
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Storytelling props for your classroom for years to come! Add some fun to story time with our adaptations of popular nursery stories and songs. You will find pictures and text for three stories and two songs. The provided pictures are easy to colour and assemble for storytelling. As you tell the story, place the pictures — for all to see — on a flannel or magnet board. Then, let the children retell the story using the pictures. Stories include: The Magic Perogy Pot, The Little Red Hen, The Gingerbread Man, The Farmer In The Dell, and Eensie Weensie Spider. Also included are "How to Assemble" and "Telling the Stories". This Nursery Rhymes lesson provides a teacher and student section with big book, illustrations, and text to create a well-rounded lesson plan.

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