Novel Study Guides > Grades 5, 6 > The Whipping Boy

The Whipping Boy

Grades 5 to 6 - eBook - Lesson Plan

  • The Whipping Boy (Novel Study) Gr. 5-6 - eBook
  • The Whipping Boy (Novel Study) Gr. 5-6 - eBook
  • The Whipping Boy (Novel Study) Gr. 5-6 - eBook
  • The Whipping Boy (Novel Study) Gr. 5-6 - eBook
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Order #: RHPA148 ISBN13: 978-1-55319-563-4 Grades: 5, 6 Reading Level: 5-6 Total Page: 34 Author: Leslie Fowler
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  • Great resource to use for reading homework.

    Lori Ide
  • Used your products years ago and they are still fantastic

    Vickie Baker



The Whipping Boy is the story of a spoiled, misbehaving prince and his whipping boy. The prince, who by law is not to have a hand raised against him, receives a whipping boy who receives all of his punishment when he is bad. One day, the prince decides to run away from home and takes along his whipping boy to serve as a servant. In their travels, the two boys meet two notorious highwaymen who mistake the whipping boy for the prince. Escaping from the highwaymen, the prince and whipping boy run into a girl and her dancing bear, and an old man selling potatoes. The group makes their way to the fair, where mischievous adventures follow. This Novel Study provides a teacher and student section with a variety of activities, discussion questions, crossword, word search, and answer key to create a well-rounded lesson plan.

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Lori Ide

Great resource to use for reading homework.


Used your products years ago and they are still fantastic

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