Primary >
Grades K, 1, 2, 3 >
Word of the Day: Bit by Bit
Word of the Day: Bit by Bit
Word of the Day: Bit by Bit
Order #: PC7016
ISBN13: 978-1-60184-187-2
Grades: K, 1, 2, 3
Reading Level: K-3
Total Page: 32
Author: Heather McDonald
Head off the fourth grade reading slump by preparing children's oral vocabularies for intermediate reading. Bigger words like pedestrian contain word bits (ped) that give clues to meaning. After each word is introduced, students discuss other words that contain the same word bit. Introduces children to common word parts that can help them know the meanings of words. Featuring stories about the Wordly Family; can be used in conjunction with Word of The Day.