Math Worksheets > Grades 2, 3 > Word Problems

Word Problems

Word Problems

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Order #: EMP4077i ISBN13: 978-1-77344-586-1 Grades: 2, 3 Reading Level: 2-3 Total Page: 48 Author: Milliken Publishing
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This workbook provides practice in word problems. Emphasis is placed on addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, time, and beginning fractions. It is designed to provide practice for the primary-age child and is compatible with classroom instruction. The pages are presented in a suggested order, but may be used in any order which best meets a child's needs. Parents who wish their children to have practice in word problems will find the book as helpful as classroom teachers will find it. The exercises are presented so that a child can work with a minimum of supervision. Answers are included in a four-page leaflet in the middle of the book. This leaflet can be easily removed.

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