Cultural Studies > Grades 1, 2, 3, 4 > Wright Brothers

Wright Brothers

Wright Brothers

  • Wright Brothers
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Order #: ETLC10353i ISBN13: 978-1-77344-306-5 Grades: 1, 2, 3, 4 Reading Level: 1-4 Total Page: 32 Author: Mary Tucker
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When your students watch commercial airliners flying high in the sky, do they realize how much it took for that common sight to become a reality? When they see military jets blasting through the clouds, do they know how far flight has come in the last 100 years? Creative activities, games, action rhymes, songs, a skit and more involve students in discovering for themselves how the Wright Brothers dreamed of man in flight and worked diligently to bring their dreams to life. They'll learn about the almost ridiculous fragility of the first airplanes, the crazed and driven men who risked their lives trying to be the first to successfully fly and the success of two brothers who refused to give up.

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