Interactive Lessons >
Grades PK, K, 1, 2 >
Five Strands of Math Big Box - DIGITAL LESSON PLANS
Five Strands of Math Big Box - DIGITAL LESSON PLANS
Grades PK to 2 - Digital Lesson - Educational Software
Order #: CC7315
ISBN13: 978-1-55319-580-1
Grades: PK, K, 1, 2
Reading Level: PK-2
Screen Pages: 400
Author: Tanya Cook, Chris Forest, Nat Reed, Mary Rosenberg
**English and Spanish Text to Speech**
For students in grades PK-2, our ready-made Math program has over 1,200 individual activities on over 400 engaging and highly interactive screen pages. Your students will have ample opportunity to learn all the expectations within the 5 NCTM and core Curriculum Math Strands: Number & Operations, Algebra, Geometry, Measurement, and Data Analysis & Probability. Our comprehensive math program includes both task and drill activities to provide a well-rounded learning experience. To learn each skill, we include 150 pre-assessment activities, 200 word problems centered on real-life experiences, and reinforce these concepts with 450 drill problems to practice and strengthen student procedural proficiency skills. In this 5 CD set, each ready-made screen contains math tools, imperial and metric, English and Spanish text to speech, printables, interactive lessons, test prep, memory match game, board game and spinner game.
View Individual Titles:
► CCP7300 - Number & Operations Gr. PK-2
► CCP7301 - Algebra Gr. PK-2
► CCP7302 - Geometry Gr. PK-2
► CCP7303 - Measurement Gr. PK-2
► CCP7304 - Data Analysis & Probability Gr. PK-2
Each ready-made digital lesson plan will operate on the following devices:
� PC and MAC computers
� Standard & Interactive Projectors
� Touchscreen Displays
� Interactive Whiteboards, including: SMART Board� (Notebook�), Promethean Board, MimioBoard, Epson, Best-Rite Board, eBeam, Hitachi, Touch IT, Panasonic, or any other brand of Interactive Whiteboard.
This is a single-user license; see Site & District Licenses - Mathematics for our site & district licenses.
Windows PC: Intel PentiumII 450 MHz or faster processor; Windows XP or higher operating system. MAC OS: Power PC G3 500 MHz or faster processor; Intel Core Duo 1.83 GHz or faster processor; Mac OS X v.10.1.x or higher operating system. A minimum of 128 MB of RAM; a minimum of 50 MB free hard disc space.
For students in grades PK-2, our ready-made Math program has over 1,200 individual activities on over 400 engaging and highly interactive screen pages. Your students will have ample opportunity to learn all the expectations within the 5 NCTM and core Curriculum Math Strands: Number & Operations, Algebra, Geometry, Measurement, and Data Analysis & Probability. Our comprehensive math program includes both task and drill activities to provide a well-rounded learning experience. To learn each skill, we include 150 pre-assessment activities, 200 word problems centered on real-life experiences, and reinforce these concepts with 450 drill problems to practice and strengthen student procedural proficiency skills. In this 5 CD set, each ready-made screen contains math tools, imperial and metric, English and Spanish text to speech, printables, interactive lessons, test prep, memory match game, board game and spinner game.
View Individual Titles:
► CCP7300 - Number & Operations Gr. PK-2
► CCP7301 - Algebra Gr. PK-2
► CCP7302 - Geometry Gr. PK-2
► CCP7303 - Measurement Gr. PK-2
► CCP7304 - Data Analysis & Probability Gr. PK-2
Each ready-made digital lesson plan will operate on the following devices:
� PC and MAC computers
� Standard & Interactive Projectors
� Touchscreen Displays
� Interactive Whiteboards, including: SMART Board� (Notebook�), Promethean Board, MimioBoard, Epson, Best-Rite Board, eBeam, Hitachi, Touch IT, Panasonic, or any other brand of Interactive Whiteboard.
This is a single-user license; see Site & District Licenses - Mathematics for our site & district licenses.
Windows PC: Intel PentiumII 450 MHz or faster processor; Windows XP or higher operating system. MAC OS: Power PC G3 500 MHz or faster processor; Intel Core Duo 1.83 GHz or faster processor; Mac OS X v.10.1.x or higher operating system. A minimum of 128 MB of RAM; a minimum of 50 MB free hard disc space.