Interactive Lessons > Grades 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 > Global Warming : Reduction - DIGITAL LESSON PLANS

Global Warming : Reduction - DIGITAL LESSON PLANS

Grades 5 to 8 - Digital Lesson - Educational Software

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Order #: CC7749 ISBN13: 978-1-55319-496-5 Grades: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Reading Level: 3-4 Screen Pages: 80 Author: Erika Gasper
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Enhance your student's learning experience with our engaging and highly interactive 80 screen page lesson plan. Create an opportunity for your students to get more involved in the lesson by using your classroom Interactive Whiteboard. Each ready-made screen offers reading passages, before and after you read interactive activities, test prep, crossword, word search and even supporting video & audio. Advocates and skeptics of Global Warming will both benefit from this valuable resource as we look at creative ways to reduce human consumption and output, all in an effort to help clean up our planet and reduce operating costs. We explore alternative fuel solutions and non conventional sources of power, new transportation methods and eco-friendly urban planning methods, increased energy efficiencies and renewable energy, �Green� buildings and examples of countries efforts to reduce the carbon output. All of our content is aligned to your State Standards and are written to Bloom's Taxonomy.


Each ready-made digital lesson plan will operate on the following devices:

� PC and MAC computers

� Standard & Interactive Projectors

� Touchscreen Displays

� Interactive Whiteboards, including: SMART Board� (Notebook�), Promethean Board, MimioBoard, Epson, Best-Rite Board, eBeam, Hitachi, Touch IT, Panasonic, or any other brand of Interactive Whiteboard.

This is a single-user license; see

Site & District Licenses - Science

for our site & district licenses.



Windows PC: Intel PentiumII 450 MHz or faster processor; Windows XP or higher operating system. MAC OS: Power PC G3 500 MHz or faster processor; Intel Core Duo 1.83 GHz or faster processor; Mac OS X v.10.1.x or higher operating system. A minimum of 128 MB of RAM; a minimum of 50 MB free hard disc space.

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